Simply our team.
Mariel Bitanga is a Financial Planner that has been in the financial services industry for 10 years. She has been trained by the Registered Financial Planners®️ of the Philippines and licensed by the Insurance Commission of the Philippines. The beginning of Mariel’s interest in finance started from a place where a lot of people have also found themselves in.
She started asking questions and seeking out answers from veterans of the finance industry. She was introduced to basic investing and joined a team of likeminded individuals where she could have open discussions about money and its true value. This strong drive to learn and solve real-life problems that—she and a lot of other people have—kickstarted her career in finance! After finding the answers she was looking for, Mariel is now compelled to share all the insights she’s gained and all the methods that worked for her to people who currently find themselves in the situation she was in at the beginning of her journey in finance—lost and looking for answers.
Theola Destura is the copywriter of Simply Finance. She aims to make financial knowledge accessible by writing valuable content that will greatly benefit those who are in the process of attaining their personal financial goals. Theola’s career is not limited to copywriting, she is a content creator at heart! At the age of 22, she established her own company—Sol Creator—where she creates purposeful and intentional content for different brands and companies such as Gugma Artisan, Antigo Jewelry, Cacao Lavezares, and The SHEeo Society.
Million Dollar Round Table
FWD Gold Elite Planner
FWD Silver Elite Planner

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